Meral Alma | Alexander Becker | Angelika Boeck | Till Bödeker | Thomas Daffertshofer | Milena Damrau | Irene Daum | Rebecca Grundmann | Anne Hemkendreis | Anna-Sophie Jürgens | Michael Klipphahn-Karge | Angela Krewani | Peter M. Lynen | Moritz Niehues | Stefan Oehm | Markus Schrenk | Martin Skrodzki | Giovanni Tepe | Peter Tepe
Prof. Dr. Peter Tepe
Peter Tepe is a philosopher, literary scholar and visual artist. Even after his retirement he is still strongly involved in the Institute of German Philology and the Institute of Philosophy at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, continuing to supervise numerous PhD students, while remaining in charge of the interdisciplinary study and research focus Mythos/Ideologie & Methoden (Myth/Ideology and Methods) that he initiated in 1987.
1968–1970: He studied fine arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with the eminent painter Karl Otto Götz. There were several phases of artistic activity in the following years, especially 1989-1995 and since 2013. In 2013, the concept for the online journal was developed and editors, contributors and cooperation partners were recruited.
Recent book publications (currently 12)
- Mythos & Literatur. Aufbau einer literaturwissenschaftlichen Mythosforschung (2001), Kognitive Hermeneutik. Textinterpretation ist als Erfahrungswissenschaft möglich (2007), Interpretationskonflikte am Beispiel von E.T.A. Hoffmanns Der Sandmann. Kognitive Hermeneutik in der praktischen Anwendung (2009; mit Jürgen Rauter und Tanja Semlow), Ideologie (2012) – dieses Buch ist im Verlag Walter de Gruyter erschienen.
- Herausgebertätigkeit (in den beiden ersten Fällen zusammen mit wechselnden Mitarbeitern): Mythologica. Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch für interdisziplinäre Mythosforschung. 8 Bände von 1993–2002 im Verlag Die blaue Eule, Essen.
- Mythos. Fächerübergreifendes Forum für Mythosforschung. Bislang 4 Bände seit 2004 im Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg.
Other online activities
Mythos-Magazin. Online journal for the fields of myth research, ideology research and explanatory hermeneutics ( Various rounds of publication since 2005. He also published many of his own works in the three periodicals, partly in book length.
The last treatise, Fundamentalismus: Neue Wege in Analyse und Kritik, appeared in October 2015 in Mythos-Magazin and consisted of over 200 pages.
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Till Bödeker
Chief Editor | German and English Editorial
Together with the publisher, Till Bödeker is responsible for the entire online presence. In December 2018/January 2019, he independently relaunched the w/k-website. He is responsible for the design and technical work, takes part in the editorial supervision of new contributions and writes his own texts. In addition, he is responsible for the sections Art/Science-Events, Institutions and Literature.
Since 2017 Till Bödeker has been studying art at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under Prof. Rita McBride and philosophy and German literature at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
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Dr. Anna-Sophie Jürgens
Chief Editor | English Editorial
Dr. Anna-Sophie Jürgens is Assistant Professor in Science Communication at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science of the Australian National University (ANU) and the Head of the Popsicule, ANU’s Science in Pop Culture and Entertainment Hub. She has published on circus fiction and aesthetics, the history of (violent) clowns, comic mad scientists, clown robots, the cultural meanings of science, and comic performance and technology in culture in numerous academic journals. You can find out more about her research, publications and projects on her university profile.
Further information can be found at:
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Michael Klipphahn-Karge
Art Historian | German Editorial
Michael Klipphahn-Karge has been a doctoral candidate in art history since 2019. His dissertation advisor is Dr. Kerstin Schankweiler, Professor of visual culture in a global context at the TU Dresden (Technische Universität Dresden), and his project is part of the first phase of the research college at the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden. As a fellow at the Schaufler Kolleg@TU Dresden, his research, in cooperation with the artists in the Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden, has focused on the topic “Artificial Intelligence as a Factor and Consequence of Social and Cultural Change.” In addition, he has been a curator and art educator in the art space Stephanie Kelly e. V. and the associated Stephanie Kelly Gallery in Dresden since 2016. From 2017 until 2020, he taught “Contextual and Concept Art” for the chair of “The Theory of Artistic Design and Art Psychology” at the TU Dresden. He studied fine arts, art history and philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden and at the Jan-Evangelista-Purkyně-Universität Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic. His specializes in modern and contemporary global art history, artificial intelligence, material aesthetics and New Materialism, queer theory and the history of ritual and magic.
Since 2021, he has been working on the editorial staff of the Online-Journal focusing on artificial intelligence, interdisciplinary and hybrid platforms and their connections with artistic and academic research.
Further information at:
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Rebecca Grundmann
English and German Editorial
Since 2020, the British-German artist Rebecca Grundmann has been working for w/k as a German to English translator. In 2022, she also took on layout work and is now listed as an editor.
From 2016 to 2021 she studied Fine Arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the class of Prof. Rita McBride. She graduated as a master student in 2021 with her work NOT IN MY NAME, which is available to view online at
Thomas Daffertshofer
Consultant and former conceptual guide
Thomas Daffertshofer (*1961) lives and works in Düsseldorf. Since 1996 he has worked as a business analyst, UX//UI concept developer and consultant for digital transformation processes in various customer and project contexts.
Science and art, especially their combination, represent one of the most important foundations of his thinking.
Laudatio of the editor
Without Thomas Daffertshofer there would be no w/k. To understand why, it is necessary to look back at the history of the online journal. In 2014, Thomas, as a friend and Internet specialist, recommended to use WordPress as a base system tailored to our specific needs. He had also provided a cost plan and was ready contacting experts to realize the concept in collaboration with the w/k editors. With the w/k program, the finance and implementation plan, I started looking for sponsors. I went to various foundations, companies, banks and other institutions, but despite my efforts the attempt became a complete disaster: not a single euro could be raised. At the beginning of 2015, the project had basically died.
At this low point Thomas came back into play. Convinced of the w/k idea, he did something completely unexpected – he completed all the work he initially wanted to pass on to experts by himself. And on top of that, he did all that for an unlimited period – until a miracle named w/k sponsor was found – without payment, just like that. In earlier times one would probably have said “out of idealism”.
With his extraordinary commitment – including many weekends as a coach for the core editors – Thomas has prepared the ground for our current state. That will not be forgotten. We will continue to consult him as an expert in difficult constructive and technical questions. Thank you, Thomas.
The Editors
Meral Alma, M.A.
German Editorial
Meral Alma has been studying painting with Prof. Siegfried Anzinger at Academy of Arts Düsseldorf since 2011 and has been simultaneously working on a Ph.D. thesis project on migration literature in German studies under the supervision of Peter Tepe. She completed her Magister at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf in German Studies and Sociology.
Two consecutive years (2014 and 2015) sole winner of the Förderpreis der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf und der Unternehmensberatung Mercuri Urval; 2014–2016: Invitation to participate in the project 23 internationale Künstler gestalten ein Herz für UNICEF: created the heart for Turkey.
Selected exhibitions
Selected exhibitions: Museum K20/Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen: Christie’s auction Young Art Düsseldorf: Exhibition of a work with subsequent auction (2013 and 2014); Exhibition Perspektivwechsel with Fabrizius2, Düsseldorf (2014); Solo exhibition Grenzenlos at Conzen, Düsseldorf (2014); Solo exhibition sponsored through the award from Mercuri Urval, Düsseldorf (2014); Exhibition Gesichtspunkte der Figuration, Düsseldorf (2015) and numerous group exhibitions, among others the New Year’s Auction in city hall (2015), charity auctions such as Lionsclub Meerbusch (2015) and Wünsch dir was e.V. (2014).
More information at:
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Dr. Angelika Boeck
German and English Editorial
Freelance artist. 1986-1992: Study of interior design and 1992-98: Study of sculpture with James Reineking at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. 2019: PhD (PhD by Prior Publication) in the context of a practice-based dissertation entitled De-Colonising the Western Gaze: The Portrait as a Multi-Sensory Cultural Practice at the Centre for Socially Engaged Practice-Based Research (SEPR) at the Technological University Dublin. Since the end of 2019 she has been working in the editorial staff of the online journal with a focus on artistic research.
Further information is available at:
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Prof. Dr. Alexander Becker
German Editorial
Alexander Becker studied musicology, philosophy and history in Frankfurt and London. After completing his Magister in musicology he decided to continue with philosophy, did his doctoral thesis on the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind and his habilitation investigating the philosophy of language and ontology. In addition to this research in theoretical philosophy he has been working intensively on topics concerning the history of philosophy as well as aesthetics.
Book publications
Verstehen und Bewußtsein (Paderborn 2000), Musikalischer Sinn (ed. together with Matthias Vogel, Frankfurt 2007); Platon: Theätet (Frankfurt 2008); Natürlicher Geist (ed. together with Wolfgang Detel, Berlin 2009); Denis Diderot: Philosophische Schriften (Berlin 2013); Platons Politeia: Ein systematischer Kommentar (Stuttgart 2017).
Selected articles on aesthetics: Zeitstrukturen im Jazz, in: Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 59 (2014), S. 79−92; Bildliche Darstellung und die Simulation der Wahrnehmung, in: Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 56 (2011), S. 217−240; Das Paradox des Musikverstehens, in: Musik & Ästhetik 56 (2010), S. 5−25.
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Milena Damrau
German and English Editorial
Milena Damrau completed her Master’s degree in mathematics at the University of Vienna in 2016. After several years of work on the project Mathe im Advent, she has been a research assistant at Bielefeld University since November 2017, where she is pursuing her doctorate in mathematics education. Her main research interests are proof competencies of first-year students as well as mathematics and art.
▷ All articles by Milena Damrau
Prof. Dr. Irene Daum, psychologist
German Editorial
Editor and photographer, diploma in psychology at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, doctorate at the University of London, habilitation at the University of Tübingen, many years of research activity in psychology and neuroscience at the Universities of London, Tübingen, Bochum and Padua, over 100 scientific publications focusing on brain mechanisms of perception, memory processes and creativity; elected member of the Ateneo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, translation of poetry collections for La Toletta Verlag, Venice, member of the advisory board of the association “Kunst hilft Geben”, Cologne and of the Global Collection Network (COLLWEB) GmbH, Burgdorf, Switzerland.
Recent publications
Bellebaum, P. Thoma & Daum, I. (2012). Neuropsychologie. VS Verlag.
Daum, I. (2014). Landmarken, Panoramen und Navigation im Raum. In: B. Herbert & J. Samssuli (Hrsg.): Urban Traces – Wahrnehmung im öffentlichen Raum, Athena Verlag.
Daum, I. (2015). Detlev van Ravenswaay – Zu neuen Horizonten. Kunstverlag Till Breckner.
Daum, I. (2017). Ryo Kato – Eine endlose Geschichte. Galerie Bengelsträter (Hrsg.), Kettler Verlag.
As a photographer, exhibition participations in Cologne, Hamburg and Düsseldorf, photographs for the volumes La vita e bella – Miniaturen aus Venedig by Michael G. Fritz (Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2010) AND DIALOGO DUE BY FRANCO FERRARI DELFINO (LA TOLETTA EDIZIONI, 2019); currently preparing the illustrated book Berlin vom Rand (with Michael G. Fritz)
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Dr. Anne Hemkendreis
German and English Editorial
Anne Hemkendreis is working as an Academic Researcher for the interdisciplinary project 948: Heroes – Heroizations – Heroisms at the Freiburg University (Germany). She is an Associate Senior Lecturer at the Humanities Research Centre of the Australian National University in Canberra and a member of the Young Academy of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Prior to this, Anne worked as a fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg in Greifswald and as a Research Assistant at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg (both in Germany). She has taught at various universities, including the University of the Arts in Berlin, while performing on stage as an artist in physical theatre and circus arts. Anne is interested in how female artists question heroic imaginaries in times of climate change with a special emphasis on the polar regions and the cosmos. An additional passion of Anne is examining environmental circus shows as an artistic mode of communicating posthuman perspectives.
Selected Publications
Die monochromen Interieurbilder VIlhelm Hammershøis (2015, Fink, ed. by AH); Climate Heroism. In: helden, heroes, héros: E-Journal zu Kulturen des Heroischen (2022, ed. by Stefanie Lethbridge and AH); Is it possible to estimate aerosol optical depth from historic colour paintings. In: Climates of the Past (2022, ed. by Christian von Savigny, AH et al.).
Forthcoming Publications
Communcating Ice in Arts, Science and Popular Culture (2023, Palgrave Macmillan, ed. by Anne Hemkendreis and Anna-Sophie Jürgens); Who owns the Arctic? Polar Heroism and Climate Change in Mariele Neudecker’s ‘Cook and Peary’. In: 21: Inquiries into Art, History and Visual Culture (2022).
▷ All articles by Anne Hemkendreis
Prof. Dr. Angela Krewani
German Editorial
is professor for Media Studies with a special impact on digital media at Marburg University. She has studied English Literature, Anglo-American History and Political Sciences in Cologne and Siegen, and she has received her PhD from Siegen University. Her interest in media studies was brought about by the participation on the Special Research Project Screen Media in Siegen. From 2007-2008 she was a fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (ZIF) at Bielefeld in the international research group on Science in the Context of Application. Her research interests are media art and the theory of digital media, including the epistemological dimensions of media.
Her latest publication is on media art, Medienkunst. Theorie-Praxis-Ästhetik (2016). She has also published on Hybride Formen. New British Cinea – Television Drama – Hypermedia (2001), Moderne und Weiblichkeit. Amerikanische Schriftstellerinnen in Paris (1993). She has co-edited Re/Visionen der Utopie. (2016) (with Christiane Heibach, Irene Schütze), The Apocalypse in Film. Dystopias, Disasters, and Other Visions of the World (2016) (with Karen A. Ritzenhoff), „Labore des Visuellen. Zum Verhältnis von wissenschaftlichem, dokumentarischem und fiktionalem Film”, in: Thomas Metten, Michael Meyer (Hgg.) Film. Bild. Wirklichkeit. Reflexionen von Film – Reflexionen im Film (2016).
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Stefan Oehm
German Editorial
Studied philosophy, German language and literature and pedagogy in Düsseldorf with a focus on linguistics/philosophy of language. Tutor with Prof. Dr. Frank Liedtke. 1986 State examination with Prof. Dr. Rudi Keller with a thesis on the British language philosopher H. P. Grice. For 30 years he has been active as a copywriter and creative director in advertising and at the same time co-director of a gallery for contemporary art (Galerie 102) for 10 years.
Prof. Dr. Markus Schrenk
German Editorial
Markus Schrenk is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf. The core areas of his research are metaphysics, especially the metaphysics of the sciences: Laws of nature, causality, dispositions, modality.
He studied philosophy, physics and logic in Bonn. After his master’s degree, he went to Corpus Christi College, Oxford, to do his doctorate in philosophy on the question of whether natural laws can have exceptions.
As an artist, Markus Schrenk has exhibited works at the w/k exhibitions (2016 & 2017), among others: True Copy and Polygons. He designs his book covers himself.
Book publications
- Handbuch Metaphysik. (Ed..) Stuttgart: Metzler (2017).
- Metaphysics of Science. London & New York: Routledge (2016).
- Einführung in die Sprachphilosophie. (Ed. with Albert Newen) Darmstadt: WBG (second edition: 2013).
- Hume. Epistemology and Metaphysics. Special Issue of Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy (Ed. with Helen Beebee) Paderborn: Mentis Publisher (2010).
- The Metaphysics of Ceteris Paribus Laws. Berlin: De Gruyter (2007).
▷ All articles by Markus Schrenk
Dr. Martin Skrodzki
German and English Editorial
Martin Skrodzki studied mathematics and computer science at TU Dortmund University, Texas A&M Int. University and Freie Universität Berlin. He received his Dr. rer. nat. in mathematics from Freie Universität Berlin in 2019 and completed postdoctoral stays at Brown University and the RIKEN Research Institute. He is currently a DFG Walter-Benjamin Postdoctoral Fellow at TU Delft. His research interests are geometry processing, visualisation as well as mathematics and art. Further information:
▷ All articles by Martin Skrodzki
Former members
Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Peter M. Lynen
German Editorial
Full member since 2009 and secretary of the Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste (North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts) in Düsseldorf.
List of publications
Research priorities
Law and management of art and science.
Scientific career
1973 and 1976 First and Second State Examination in Law, Munich and Düsseldorf
1976 -1982 Legal work at the RWTH Aachen University, the University of Bonn and the Secretariat of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in Bonn (KMK)
1982 -2008 Chancellor of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and additional acting chancellor activities at the Robert Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf and the Folkwang Hochschule Essen as well as legal teaching and examination activities and start of research and publications in the fields of law and management of art and science
1990 Honorary doctorate (Dr. phil. h.c.) from the Robert Schumann University Düsseldorf
2000 Doctorate (Dr. iur.) in law at the University of Cologne
2005 part-time professorship and
2008 -2014 full-time professorship for art management and head of the Centre for International Art Management (CIAM), Cologne
Since 2014 attorney at law in Cologne with a focus on art and science law
Since 2015 Honorary Professorship for Cultural Management in Tianjin, China
Giovanni Tepe
German Editorial
He works as a system administrator and regularly updates the various w/k sections; he is also engaged in formatting the contributions.
Born 1999, graduate of the Comenius-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf.
Since October 2017: Studies of Psychology at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.
Artistic Activities
2016-2018 drummer of the band back2friday.
Since end of 2017: recording of own music.
Moritz Niehues
German Editorial
Moritz Niehues is also responsible for the design of the contributions.
Born in 1977, master’s degree in history, economic history and German studies at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. Freelance work in various Internet editorial departments. Team leader in various IT rollout projects for large corporations or public authorities.
Operator of the weblog Globalculturalheritage.
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