Here you can find all articles that are assigned to the category Articles by Artists.
Emblems – Emblem research – Emblem art
Ingrid Hoepels academic research – emblems and emblematics in all its manifestations – is also the subject of her art. This is a special form of science-related art.
Robot Dogs & Artificial Intelligence
Till Bödeker's graduation project at Düsseldorf Art Academy focuses on artificial intelligence through a robot dog and its virtual simulations.
Drawing Research
Oliver Thie explains his understanding of drawing research as distinct from scientific research.
Wulf Noll. Part 1: Crossing the border between philosophy and literature
On the occasion of his new postmodern book, Wulf Noll is brought into play as a border crosser between philosophy and literature.
My Chemistry-Related Art
For over 10 years, Joachim Pitz has been pursuing the goal of creating visual ideas by artistic means that can help solve scientific problems.
Science-Related: Four New Series
Two of the series belong to the category science-related art, whilst the other two are assigned to art-related science.
Sensory Deprivation
Till Bödeker explains the concept and the scientific references of his work THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.
Polygons – A Description
Markus Schrenk explains the conceptual background of his artwork Polygons.
Palaeontological Art
Many of Hugo Boguslawski's artistic works have a connection to biology, which is related to his biology studies. The preoccupation with fossilized organisms plays a central role.
Word Art: A New Art Form
In his 'Word Art' project, Ralf Borlinghaus is interested in taking up the original connection between the written and the pictorial and reinterpreting it.
Marine Debris
Text: Swaantje Güntzel | Section: Articles by artists My work focuses on mankind’s dysfunctional relationship to nature. Through a process of observing our everyday behaviour towards nature, dissociating it from its context…
malatsion: Laboratory Fantasies
malatsion: "Science has influenced quite a few of my works as a source of inspiration. You can classify these works as science-related art. Right after my switch to the academy, my interest in science was for a while pushed into the background. It was only in 2008 that it re-emerged. Science is for me above all a source of images which helps me create installation works that remind their viewers of places such as the laboratory or of scientific methods such as the experiment."
Markus Schrenk’s True Copy
Markus Schrenk's True Copy artwork raises questions: What is a copy? When is this copy a real copy? How do (real) copies relate to their originals?
Anna Lena Grau: Gespinste – Interweavings
In 1754, the Anatomical Collections of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg were established for the purpose of providing teaching material for classes held at the Anatomical Institute. In the meantime, the collection is also accessible to non-specialists twice a year. Yet, due to the extraction of the specimen from its original context and its solidification into an object, a layman will never be able to perceive a specimen with the rational logic that is appropriate to the observation of scientific models. The object thus takes on the appearance of a shadow of the living, reminding us of our own mortality in a disturbing yet monstrous way.
Marcus Ahlers: System and Synergy
According to the terminology of the online journal, I am on the border between science and art: on one hand I am a working artist, and on the other, active in the sciences as a participant in a master’s program. I would like to describe the stages of development leading to this state.
Anna Lena Grau: Recodings
These exhibitions have taken place every two years on the premises of the Anatomical Institute. Amongst the invited guests were physicians who actively pursue art and artists with an active interest in medicine. The self-taught in the field of art encountered the self-taught in the field of medicine. On these occasions, ambitious dilettantes came face to face with professionals, each party certainly fostering a sense of discomfort in the other.