Text: Editorial Team | Section: About w/k
Summary: w/k introduces its new section Exhibitions, which features articles by exhibition makers about exhibitions that fall under the category of Art and Science.
w/k has been publishing articles on art-and-science exhibitions since 2017 – most of them written by Irene Daum. To broaden the spectrum on such exhibitions we are now introducing the new rubric Articles by exhibition makers (Exhibitions, for short), for which the w/k team has come up with the following brief: the best way to obtain information relevant to our work at w/k and to achieve comparable results would be for each article in this rubric to explicitly ask and answer the five questions listed below.
You can gain a detailed picture of what this might look like in Michael Klipphahn’s article (Y)OUR DATA IS A BATTLEGROUND:
Potential contributors can use this article as a model for our new article format. A maximum limit of 2600 words has been set for contributions of this kind.
List of questions with explanations
Please explicitly ask and answer the following questions within the article. The accompanying explanations provide useful tips. It is up to you to decide which question to raise where in the text.
(1) What is the concept of the exhibition?
Explanation: We are interested in both the general and the specific goals that you are/were pursuing with this exhibition.
(2) Does this exhibition follow up on any previous shows? If so, are you setting any new accents with this exhibition?
Explanation: Besides examples of previous exhibitions, it is also interesting to learn who perhaps established a certain exhibition format.
(3) What are the underlying ideas and beliefs informing your exhibition concept and which perspectives and works in the exhibition underscore this?
Explanation: Do certain theoretical (i.e. art theoretical) positions form the backdrop to your work? Does political commitment of any kind play a part in the exhibition? Do you make (explicit) reference to specific philosophical considerations? In general, we are interested in the background assumptions underlying your work.
(4) Does the exhibition seek to contribute to certain changes?
Explanation: We recommend considering this question in combination with question (3), since a certain drive for change often stems from specific beliefs and persuasions.
(5) How does your exhibition concept fit into the overall complex of art and science?
Explanation: Are the art forms presented in the exhibition science-related art, technology-related art, collaborations between science and art, art-related science or artistic research, or do they introduce border crossers between science and art? Our editorial team will gladly advise you on how these categories apply.
Image above the text: Maximilian Stühlen: AFK Eden (2020). Photo: Max Stühlen.
How to cite this article
Editorial Team (2022): New Article Format in w/k: Exhibitions. w/k–Between Science & Art Journal. https://doi.org/10.55597/e7443
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