Text: Angelika Boeck | Section: On ‚Art and Science‘
Abstract: In order to prepare a long-term pro-and-con discussion on concepts of artistic research, Angelika Boeck has compiled a preliminary list of relevant journals, platforms and databases. More articles will follow.
Preface by the w/k core editors
It has been the intention of w/k (ever since its beginnings in November 2016) to initiate a long-term pro-and-con discussion on concepts of artistic research. Thanks to the new editor Angelika Boeck – who is firmly anchored in this field – it is now possible to get these things going (All contributions by Angelika Boeck). The discussion is strengthened from two approaches: In the first one, Angelika Boeck is looking for magazines, platforms, etc. that are committed to approaches to artistic research or in which such positions are expressed more frequently. For the next preparatory contribution, she will collect a mosaic of different definitions of artistic research and highlight central theoretical texts.
At the beginning of my new job as a w/k editor, responsible for the area of artistic research, I started by getting an overview of journals, platforms and databases on this topic. A claim to completeness is not made. This list is a work-in-progress, and I encourage any of the w/k readers to email me if they have a recommendation for sources.
Art & Research
Art & Research focuses on ideas, contexts and methods of artistic research and practice with the aim of communicating contemporary educational thinking in a global context.
Journal for Artistic Research (JAR)
Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) disseminates artistic research from all disciplines.
Journal of Embodied Research (JER)
Embodied methodologies are found not only in artistic research or performance/practice as research, but increasingly also in the social sciences, cultural studies and psychology. The newly founded Journal of Embodied Research (JAR) focuses on embodied and artistic research through the medium of video by supporting video articles as a preferred form for the dissemination of embodied research projects.
VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research reports on artistic research in Northern Europe. The journal is a cooperation between Stockholm University of the Arts and the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme.
FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism
FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism focuses on artistic practices dedicated to political, social and cultural transformation.
Platforms, databases and networks
Gesellschaft für künstlerische Forschung in Deutschland (gkfd)
The Gesellschaft für künstlerische Forschung in Deutschland (gkfd) supports, networks and promotes artistic researchers in Germany. The gkfd sees itself as a place of exchange on the specific forms and procedures of artistic research and of the reflection on the increasing importance of art for public knowledge. It promotes professional exchange and, as a federal association of artistic researchers, addresses the public as well as politics. The activities of the gkfd include the organisation of festivals and symposia, the publication and dissemination of works of artistic research and the improvement of funding opportunities.
Society of Artistic Research (SAR)
The Society of Artistic Research (SAR), which publishes the Journal for Artistic Research, promotes practices of artistic research applied both within and outside academic institutions, facilitates collaboration and communication through conferences and meetings, and shares knowledge of artistic research practices and results.
Research Catalogue (RC)
SAR’s Research Catalogue is a powerful resource for artistic research and teaching, to which anyone can contribute free of charge after registration.
OAR: The Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research Platform
OAR is an online research platform that explores new and experimental ways of participating in knowledge production, especially through practice-oriented research. Although practice-oriented research is becoming a key paradigm of the various disciplines, it often remains theoretically locked within the realm of art. The aim is to treat it as a broad, cross-disciplinary epistemological category so that its foundations and limits can be explored, expanded, questioned and redefined.
Institut für künstlerische Forschung Berlin (!KF)
Institut für künstlerische Forschung Berlin (!KF), founded in 2009 by the group a rose is, Radialsystem V and members of Junge Akademie as a non-university research institution, cooperates with universities and colleges on a project basis, cultivating collaboration with artists and scientists from various disciplines.
MaHKUscript is an international platform for artists, curators, theorists, research students and educators, focusing on the current situation and position of research in contemporary art.
ArtMonitor is a platform of the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at the University of Gothenburg for documentation, reflection and dialogue on artistic research.
Picture above the text: Research (2020). Illustration: Till Bödeker.
How to cite this article
Angelika Boeck (2020): Artistic Research: Journals, Platforms, Databases. w/k–Between Science & Art Journal. https://doi.org/10.55597/e5899
To add to your list of journals on artistic research:
Ruukku – Studies in Artistic Research
A RC-based peer-reviewed journal published by University of the Arts Helsinki
Thank you!