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On Paul Feyerabend: Science as Art

Text: Peter Tepe | Summary

In his essay, Feyerabend explains the idea that both the arts as well as the sciences are style-bound. The assertion that „the sciences are arts“ is only brought into play at the end of the text, and creates some tension with the above argumentation. In the essay it acts as a bold claim with provocative effect – which differs to the introduction of his book, in which Feyerabend strives to „give substance to the title’s claim“. However, the arguments brought forward by him do not stand up to critical examination.

▷ Click here to see the article that is only available in the German w/k.

Picture above the text: Peter Tepe: w/k-Literature. Hommage an Robert Motherwell (2019). Photo: Till Bödeker.

How to cite this article

Peter Tepe (2019): On Paul Feyerabend: Science as Art. w/k–Between Science & Art Journal. https://doi.org/10.55597/e5297

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