w/k - Zwischen Wissenschaft & Kunst
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About “Leonardo in the lab”

Text: Peter Tepe | Section: On ‘Art and Science’

On parts I-III:

In the new issue of Kunstforum International, Sabine B. Vogel provides a much needed overview. She presents diverse artistic positions that can be assigned to the broad topic of art and science; her selection has been carefully sought out. We recommend anyone interested in this topic to read the text, which includes plenty of visual material. (Leonardo im Labor – Kunst & Wissenschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Published by Sabine B. Vogel. In: Kunstforum International, vol. 277, October 2021, pp. 50–189.)

On part IV:

After reviewing Sabine B. Vogel’s text in parts I-III, part IV discusses its various concepts, theses and arguments against the backdrop of the recently published two-part article 5 years of w/k: what happened so far? (5 Jahre w/k: Was bisher geschah).

Click here to read the four-part article that is only available in the German w/k.

Picture above the text: double-page spread from Kunstforum International, vol. 277(2021), pp. 52-53.

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