Lecture: Stefan Majetschak | Section: Summaries
▷ This article is only available in the German w/k. See Part I and Part II.
Many w/k contributions are only published in German. For our international readers we provide a brief summary in English:
Stefan Mejatschak brings together Wittgenstein’s scattered thoughts on aesthetic and art theoretical questions to form a coherent concept. The main focus lies on what it really means to understand a work of art. The understanding of a work of art is seen as the perception of a new aspect of an object. Following on from Wittgenstein, this article further examines how experts proceed when justifying aesthetic judgements.
Picture above the text: Signature of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Photo: User Scewing (Wikipedia). Lizenz: CC0 1.0.
How to cite this article
Stefan Majetschak (2019): The Scope of Artistic Understanding – A Wittgensteinian Perspective. w/k–Between Science & Art Journal. https://doi.org/10.55597/e5165
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