Text: Christina Landbrecht | Section: Summaries
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Philipp Lachenmann’s film DELPHI Rationale was made during maintenance work on the particle accelerator Delphi at CERN. Delphi was converted into the stage of the Indian sarode player Ranajit Sengupta, and it did not take long for his unusual sounds to animate the detector: hundreds of cable harnesses and bundles began to shimmer in colour. The result is an impressive, stimulating tension between science and art.
Picture above the text: Philipp Lachenmann: Delphi Rationale (2015–2017). Photo: Philipp Lachenmann.
How to cite this article
Christina Landbrecht (2018): Philipp Lachenmann: Delphi Rationale. w/k–Between Science & Art Journal. https://doi.org/10.55597/e5166
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